Five steps to organize your pool maintenance in 2018

Winter is flying by and it is time to start thinking about getting your pool ready for warmer weather.  We are so ready for this cold to be over, so while you are still cooped up inside you can begin planning for a great pool season.

Before our 2018 calendars get filled up, let’s go ahead and create ticklers of things you should do each day, week and month to keep your pool clean and running smoothly this year.

Five things a pool owner should do:


o   Have a calendar – paper, ical, google cal etc. where all pool related tasks are spelled out

o   Check chemicals – do an inventory make sure you have enough Chlorine, shock, Algaecide etc. to get you through   3 months.  (Please note: Never store Chlorine inside, it will rust everything)

o   Make a plan once a quarter to fill up on needed chemicals.

o   Have a shopping list of things needed when things get low.

o   Have test strips and know how to use them.

o   Most important have a person who is in charge each task and make sure they follow through.


o   Have a second person in the house who handles the pool when person in charge is unable to get pool related things done.

o   Create a backup plan for when you are out of town.

o   Have a pool professional’s number handy for those “repair” or “not sure” moments.


o   Have all of the pool equipment, chemicals, brushes, scoops, valves, timers labeled and together in a nearby, safe location.

o   Make sure at least two people know how to use the pool equipment.

o   Make sure all skimmers, automatic pool cleaners, brushes and timers are all in good

working order.

o   Check the lights make sure they are safe and in working order.

o   Check the GFCI, since most are exposed to the elements and humidity.  It is good to replace it every three to four years.

o   Check all of the connections – make sure they are all safe, tucked away from little hands and in good condition.

o   Check your heater and make sure it is working and connected properly.  It is wise to turn on heater for 1-5 minutes every month. It is a perfect animal condo.


o   Keep a list in a common area that reminds you of what you are low on, what items need to be replaced etc.

o   Keep a list of whom to call when there is a pool emergency.

o   Keep a list of when you added shock so household knows when it is safe to swim.

o   Make a list of where the breakers for equipment are and that they are labeled.

o   Make sure you add the gas company to your emergency list and have their number handy, be sure the shut off valve for the gas to the heater is labeled.

o   Make a check list of things to be done before anyone swims.


Write or input into a calendar the main things that need to get done:

o  Run Pump during winter for 6-8 hours and during summer 8-10 hours.
o Run Pool Cleaner (if needed) 2-3 hours.
o Chemically treat pool.
o Clean out skimmers (do this more often if you have a lot of foliage/plants around pool).
Once a week
o   Check the PH Balance of pool with test strips (let the strips tell you what chemicals need to be added)    (PLEASE NOTE: NEVER MIX CHEMICALS!)
o   Add tabs if needed to the chlorine float or to the chlorinator.  Never add tabs into the skimmer or to the bottom of the pool.
o   Shock the pool (the bucket should be labeled with how much shock to put in pool) Plus as a safety measure use gloves and eye protection.  REMEMBER: Always add chemicals to water in a bucket, then pour into pool.  Water in bucket first then chemicals, never chemicals and then water.
o   Vacuum/Brush the pool – This is something that kids can do to help (as long as they are supervised and know how to swim –safety first!)
Twice a year minimum
o   Get your filter cleaned – if you do not get the filter cleaned you eventually will have a pond instead of a crystal blue pool

Owning a pool can be overwhelming, but with a little planning on the front end it can be very rewarding.  The planning allows you to keep your pool running smoothly and safe so you can enjoy.  #happyswimming!

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